The Vienna Stock Exchange has joined the growing list of TradingView data providers.
The Vienna Stock Exchange is one of the oldest in the world, being in business since 1771. It operates the Prague stocks exchange, provides infrastructure for other European exchanges (in Budapest, Ljubljana, and Zagreb), and strives to strengthen financial education in the region by organizing workshops and seminars every year.
The exchange provides liquidity and visibility to its listed companies, while investors get access to the global financial markets as well as the local market: to help market players evaluate the latter, the exchange launched its main index, the Austrian Traded Index (ATX). Today, the exchange lists 817 companies and keeps adding more.
And now, data from the Vienna Stock Exchange is accessible on TradingView: open the symbol search, type in the “VIE:” prefix, and see all the stocks, indices, funds, bonds, depositary receipts, and warrants available for analysis.
The TradingView platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world.