Is 1000 Extra Scam or Legit Broker?

1000 Extra is a 100% fraud company. The broker is registered offshore and does not hold any proper license from a well-known reliable financial regulator. It is NOT SAFE to trade with 1000 Extra. We never advise trading with an offshore broker, since the financial investment service they deliver is not trustable.

About 1000 Extra
🗺️ Registered inSt. Vincent and the Grenadines
🗺️ Type of LicenseOffshore License
🛡️ Is 1000 Extra safe to tradeNo
🗺️ Recommended LicensesFCA in UK 🇬🇧 & ASIC in Australia 🇦🇺
🖥 Alternative BrokerFP Markets - licensed by ASIC in Australia

What is 1000 Extra?

1000 Extra is a Forex and CFD broker, owned and operated by Mil Xtra LTD., a company, registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - an offshore jurisdiction, which offers a variety of benefits - no income tax, fast and low-cost license for only USD 2,000. That is why brokers choose this kind of license.

  • Comparing the license from UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, it requires EUR 125,000 of capital (aside from client deposits) for the STP license. The regulator also provides the segregation of funds and negative balance protection. Here you can check the list of FCA-regulated brokers.

1000 Extra Review Conclusion

We strongly advise opening a trading account only with brokers regulated by respected world authorities that comply with the required set of rules and a good reputation through the delivered timeframe of operations. Traders should trade with well-regulated brokers such as UK brokers or brokers in Australia and reliable brokers such as BlackBull Markets and FBS (Check out the FBS Trading Review). 

1000 Extra Update

As we found, the 1000 Extra website remains inactive and unavailable to reach. This means the broker no longer operates its trading offering and does not propose account openings, however, it is best to avoid and stay alert in case any proposals show up.

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