StarkMarkets Review 2025
Reason to avoid: No License. Negative Reputation
Listed Date: July 15, 2020
Top 3 Forex Brokers
Beware StarkMarkets is a Non-Regulated broker. It is NOT SAFE to trade.
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Reason to avoid: No License. Negative Reputation
Listed Date: July 15, 2020
Beware StarkMarkets is a Non-Regulated broker. It is NOT SAFE to trade.
No, it is not safe to trade with StarkMarkets as it is not regulated. is operated by Krisimark Ltd, Registration number 206066758, a Company duly incorporated in the Republic of Bulgaria, EU.
Despite the broker’s claims of being located and regulated in Bulgaria, we could not find any proof or mention of this broker in the register of the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission.
🗺️ Registered in | Bulgaria |
🗺️ Type of License | No License |
🛡️ Is StarkMarkets safe to trade | No |
🗺️ Recommended Licenses | FCA in UK 🇬🇧 & ASIC in Australia 🇦🇺 |
🖥 Alternative Broker | FP Markets - licensed by ASIC in Australia |
StarkMarkets is a financial services provider, offering a selection of more than 70 financial assets such as Forex and CFDs to traders from almost all around the globe.
In general, StarkMarkets has a questionable reputation due to its hidden fees and lack of regulation. The broker was previously owned by the company that was blacklisted by EU regulators multiple times. Most probably it was the reason they changed the company behind the brand’s name, however, it is still dangerous to invest in this firm.
Moreover, the broker has been blacklisted by at least two regulators:
We advise all investors and traders to avoid StarkMarkets and other unregulated brokers. The lack of information about the broker’s regulations, trading conditions, and contact details should be the biggest red flag for those who plan to invest with the entity. Usually, such companies run investment scams. Traders should trade with well-regulated brokers such as UK brokers or brokers in Australia and reliable brokers such as Alpari and
We found the StarkMarkets website inactive and unavailable to reach. This means the broker no longer operates. However, it is best to avoid and stay alert in case any proposals show up.
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Don’t keep your money here
Ma ne taip pat apgavo 6105 euro sumai. Pradžioje investavau į 1510 eurų. Po bankroto susisiekė pranešė, kad mano sąskaitoje yra 17361 euras ir jeigu aš noriu “išvesti” pinigus reikia sumokėti 21% mokesčių, o tai būtų 4595 eurai. Juos pervedžiau į sąskaitą Bulgarijoje. Kontaktus palaikiau su Maksimu Sviridovu ir Aleksandru (pavardės nežinau). Jie rašė man laiškus ir skambino vis žadėdami grąžinti ir kūrė vis naujas legendas, kad dar negali padaryti pavedimo. Pagaliau jie dingo ir daugiau neatsako į laiškus. Neatsako ir palaikymo tarnyba,- Esu pensininkė, pinigai buvo skolinti. Dabar esu sunkioje situacijoje. Tai gerai įvaldžiusi apgavvstės įgūdžius kompanija. Maksimas Sviridovas ir jo komanda yra vagys.Kur dabar kreiptis?
I made an account at StarkMarkets on 11.11.2020 with minimum amount 250$ , I wanted to make a Bitcoin Loophole , then I was called by Isaac Riveric .I told him about Loophole ! When he realised that my bank don`t convert bitcoin to currency ( in case I have profit and I want to withdraw money) he told me that he must make me a bitcoin wallet. In order to this he had to buy a bitcoin for me then to sell it using the money from my bank account and give me my money back in no time . I let him and David from Finance to go to my bank account . I gave them the data of my cards ( a VISA and a MASTERCARD both linked to my current account), they close my saving deposit which it wasn`t linked to cards and moved the amount in the current account. They took almost everything I got ( 132,780 RON or lei – I am from Bucharest , Romania ( aprox. 32.200 $ at the time) . They told me that they will buy a bitcoin , sell it and very quick will put the money back in my bank account ( with profit said David ). I didn`t know how much is a bitcoin , I didn`t realise that they empty my account till the end . It was 4 transactions , I have the statements if you need . I search StarkMarkets on Google and I found something about SCAM and other bad things about this company .
The first 250$ that I put in order to do the account was for trading by Loophole (As far as I know Riveric didn`t do this Loophole . In fact he didn`t do anything for me as account manager about trading ). The rest of the money that Isaac Riveric and David from Finance took from my bank account to buy 1,83 bitcoin ( not 1 bitcoin as they said) from KOINAL was for that wallet and they said that they buy and sell bitcoin than they give back my money very fast . It wasn `t money for trading, for trading I was willing to lose 250$ . The rest of the money they said they will give me back after the transactions for bitcoins for the bitcoin wallet.
My bank closed my account because of the transactions with KOINAL .IO . I had to present supporting documents for those
transactions. Transaction with BTC is against the banck policy.
I spoke to KOINAL who told me they delivered the 1,83 BTC that I bought in 4 transactions from my account TO AN ADRESS GIVEN ! NOT BY ME , I ASSURE YOU ! Make no mistake ! I made those 4 transaction at the dictation of Isaac and David who collaborated very well like colleagues !
In the meantime David called me on 01.12.2020 and told me that he will give my money back in a couple of days even if he need to send a men to my door with cash ( because my account was closed) or he will find a way !
I made another account at another banck .
I have a PayPal account too !
All of a sudden, David called me on 05.01.2021 and told me that my 1,83 BTC that I don`t have acces, become 57.700 $ becouse BTC has growned . And I have to put 20% in a trust fund ( about 11.500$) to get after 2 days the 57.700 $ wich is more then they took from my account .They emptied my bank account ! The money they took from my bank was all my savings in a working life, now I am retired with 2.000 lei/month (500$/month) and I am alone with a sick mother of 85 year old and I live from one day to the next.
Never ever Isaac or David told me that in order to give me my money for wallet back I have to give more money wich I don`t have anyway . I told David to take that commission from the 57.700$ but no , I have to give that money first .
If StarkMarket have a management and it is not a SCAM , please, I want my money back as promised , I don`t need any more money , you can take it , I am ready to sign for this .
I don`t have the 11.500$ and nobody to lend me . And I wouldn`t trust to send more money even if I had it ! You took me everything for the wallet (with my hand of course ).
I am ok with taking 132.780 romanian lei , my money , no more . I sign for this if necessary ! Do you understand that you left me without money to live ?
When I told David that I curse him for what he did to me he threatened to sue me ! He didn`t pay attention ! I said I curse him , Isaac and StarkMarkets to live like me , with depression , heart desease, insomnia , all done since Isaac Riveric and David took all my savings for that bitcoin wallet !
I still belive that is a way to get my money back ! My money 132.780 romanian lei (RON) no more !
The problem is : do you want to give me back my money as promised ?
Is someone in charge at StarkMarket to tell me that what are Isaac and David doing is right ? Making me a bitcoin wallet that I don`t have acces in the first place ? A bitcoin wallet made with 1,83 BTC bought in 4 transaction with my money from my bank account ? If necessary I have the bank statements , the receipts from KOINAL that prove that I, Dobre Sorinel Valentin , bought those 1,83 BTC ! Their value has increased and I have to pay another money to take what is mine ? In a trust fund ? 20 % from the amount ? Is this right ? Legal ?
StarkMarkets are a complete criminal, scamming & thieving trading outfit. I’m struggling 4 more than 6 months 2 get my deposit of $250 refunded. I’ve dealt with their head of Finance Lola.r & there Support department absolutely no positive response. All I have been getting is the same type of excuses continuously.
Je suis victime de starkmarket ils ont volé mon argent
Im victime to starkmarket is escrocs platforme trading
I too very foolishly was scammed out of A$4000 By Starkmarkets after just inquiring about investing in bitcoin. Before I knew it I was talked into investing money with these crooks. When I tried to get my money back they asked for my credit card and passport details, and a copy of a utility bill. I immediately became alarmed and realised what they were trying to do, which was to obtain all my personal information including my address. So they could use my name and address for identity freud. it’s frightening looking back now and I really don’t know how I could have been so stupid to have been taken in by them. I am 64 years old and should have known better,but they do say there is no fool like an old fool. If there is anyone out there thinking of investing with Starkmarkets please don’t, before it’s too late.
Guys can someone help us get in contact with starkmarkets please maybe their new address
I too invested with them and when I requested for a withdrawal they said they will but up to today they have not paid me a sent of my money, now they don’t even answer my text messages
Some body should take action against them for this Ford deals so that they don’t cheat more people
Hey i deposit 500usd plus when i got profit it was 67389usd now my account is closed i started on August last yr when i ask withdrawal they ignored till dey closed my account last week
moja przygoda ze StarkMarkets zaczęła się 07.12.2020 r od reklamy internetowej gdzie proponowali akcje Amazon. Po przejściu weryfikacji dzwonił R.Martyniuk by przelać z karty depozytowej pieniądze ,przesłałem 1000,0 USD. Po nowym roku opiekun Piotr Czech zaproponowałkupno akcji Pajsera za 2000,0 USD.Na depozycie miałem 1450,0 USD więc zrobiłem przelew na 550,0 USD. Ale okazało się że w wyniku przeszacowań mój opiekun kupił bitkon i na tej operacji straciłem ok.70,0 USD. Obecnie są problemy z kontaktem wejściem na stronę. Mój kontakt z doradcą był przez Skeyp i AnDysk.Na dzień 18.01.2021 mój depozyt wynosił 1173,43 USD. Jest pytanie gdzie wyparowały 826,57 USD. Co mam dalej robić. Mam 71 lat to były moje oszczędności. Pozdrawiam Janusz z Polski
first I thought that they are scammers after the website closed for 3 days but today I have received an email that there is a new website we can use
hope that every thing is going to be fine
Hi, am also an investor with starkmarket n as you have said I lost trade with them. I would like to know when you received the mail n from who. I have tried to reach them via but the domain doesn’t exists. Kindly verse me with any relevant information regarding the company.
They told me to invest 1250usd when I withdraw it they told me to invest more money to withdraw that money
I opened account with STARKMARKET with $250, started trading and made some profit altogether is $1003 +$278 credit bonus total of $1281. For 2 days now, their website is not available, cant login to my account, now I believe that STARKMARKET is a Scam. Thank God I didn’t deposit more when i was asked to do so.
My name is Zsuzsanna Pál! I’m from Hungary (central Europe)! I opened an account in dec.2020 with $250 and then another $500! We started to trade with my personal account manager Tom West! It worked! I earned money! But since 2 days I cannot contact him and the webside! SO BE CAREFUL! THEY ARE CRIMINALS! They stole my money, my personal details! I will go to the police! Please do that also! Maybe we can stop them!!!
Szia Zsuzsa, keress meg kérlek engem, én is fellejentést szeretnék tenni! +36304827910
Hi Zsuzsa, please call me I was scammed too! +36304827910
I registered in 2020 december with 250&! Then I started to make money and made another deposit to my Starkmarket account. Almost every day my account manager Tom West called me and gave me advice how to trade. Since two days a can’t reach him, his e-mail address changed and the Starkmarket website is nit available! They are thieves. They stole my money. Surely I will go to the police!
Tom west
Deceived me and told me to creat a kional account so I can exchange my currency
So I did as follow till then I realized he wanted to scam me R18000 Bitcoins by sending them to him . He then droped the call
I cannot reach him
Thank god i ddnt fall for it afterwards a deposit of R3858.77 he wanted to scam me moreover money
DO NOT EVER DO BUSINESS WITH THEM, THEY ARE SCAMMER. BE WARNED! I registered with them in October 2020 and I deposited $250. After making the deposit, I was contacted by an Advisor who begged me to deposit more, he told me that I could start with $5000 so we can work together and make profit. I decided to withdraw my initial fund to test their integrity. I withdrew the money on 20th November. Till now, I have not got my money back.
Now is my turn to release my withdrawal they said im registerd with south African trading so im not be able to withdrawal
Peter. K.
states that he too was involved with Starkmarkets and lost about $10.000 Can I had to do with Isaac Reveric and later with a James Novak I had been trading myself and I was up to over $30.000 when James Novak brought in a fellow named Brian King who suggested to me to invedt in currency as there was the real money to be had, I being very naive believed him so he suggested to invest in curency with my money . Indeed that currency paid off well later that day. Brian King told me not to cash in until I heard from him the next morning so I waited to see about this and then I found that they had already cashed in and made at least $15.000 and left me holding the bag
Please do not invest to they are scammers specially to Adams Washington.
@he broker that assisted me were iSAAC iIVERIC. SACAMMERS . He operates from Isaac.Riveric@Starkmarkets,com
These people just called a few minutes ago and this lady convinced me to register with them but after reading these reviews, if she calls me again am gonna swear at her i hate these bloody scammer😤
now their closed i cant open the website anymore, they are scam bug scammer, they steal my money…
Is this StarkMarkets really scammer? I want to activate my account if it is a legit.
My father ‘invested’ $1000 with StarkMarkets, and they insisted on the same (passport, utility bill, front and back of debit card to return his money.
He has never had his money returned, and he never will. By amazing coincidence a flurry of fraudulent transactions have appeared on his bank account with online purchases in excess of $20,000 all over the world.
Please, please, never, EVER send this kind of sensitive personal information to ANYONE. They now have my father’s full name, passport number, photograph, home address, date of birth, bank account details, signaure, and email address, and can use it themselves or sell it on to criminal gangs. Please do not fall for the same scam.
Rosa is the best financial adviser. She helped me to learn about market and put me on webinar sessions. I’m very happy. Probably you just didn’t follow her recommendations
Rosa Kaufmann,
If this person is your account manager please do not trust her… you will lose your money and she will not call you back.
But she´s my wife omg
They want me to open and deposit thier site so we do bussiness.of course this my first need to evaluate see does thing happeni g in this you said is not good .i thinkfull that my question had bee answer.thanks
Im a 77 year old pensioner with very basic computer skills with no knowledge of trading who randomly choose Starkmarket to enquire about bitcoin. Due to my own stupidity and naivety I ended up transferring 259 euros into a deposit to invest in bitcoin. I then checked out starkmarkets ( which I should have done before contacting them) by reading negative rice reviews and comments about them and realised I had made a stupid mistake! I was then contacted by a representative whom I informed that I did not wish to proceed with trading in bitcoin and requested my money back. I was then informed that I needed to provide them with a utility bill and photographs back and front of both my credit card and license! This prompts me to think that this may be required by them to access the deposit account which seems to be frozen at the moment but for me to give out such vital information would be foolish and naive once again! So I’ve decided not to respond to daily calls from this company and forget about trying to retrieve my money in a shark infested area where somebody like me are easy pickings!!
Do you receive money back (deposit money) if yes then how you received
No, they still insist on being provided with credit card, passport, utility bill etc, which my bank advised against! Does this mean that my deposit is in some kind of electronic wallet or account in other words, in limbo!! To give them this information would not only give them access to the account but also my personal information with out getting a penny of my money back. Unfortunately, It looks like they have me in a bind.
I’m afraid I never received my deposit back and am at a loss as to what to do next. If I give them the information they require it gives them access to the account and my personal info and in my opinion I lose on both accounts! I would appreciate any advice you give me in relation to this matter. Yours gratefully, Tom Shanahan.
They are profesional scammer or thieves in trading market expert. I loss 6kusd and 4kusd profit, when suddenly all my account were closed caused my email blocked, but they still operate in system beware that gang and report for charge back.