Jacques Lobarda

Aafx is a broker which offers outstanding leverage. Being conservative about trading with leverage, I should say that I can see both sides of such a leverage of 1:2000. On the one hand, it is great to have such an opportunity to boost your account and make decent and big profits within some short period of time. However, on the other hand, the whole situation of the leverage of 1:2000 looks extremely dangerous to me. This leverage is so huge that you can lose $100 within a minute. Imagine you do a mistake in a volume of trade?! I feel that it is too risky for the sensible trading. Surely, the question of leverage is quite subjective. There are some people who feel fine with that especially if they know how to use money and risk management in order to save their budgets from harm. I think the broker suits such tarders perfectly. I believe EAs are necessary to avoid manual mistakes with volumes.