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Financial Commission improved the ‘Check Your Broker’ Directory

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The Financial Commission has announced about the changes and improvements to its ‘Check Your Broker’ online directory with the addition of broker profiles. Thanks to this update it is going to be easier for traders to search and find out the information about a brokers licenses, memberships with the Financial Commission and possible Compensation Fund protections.

The updates to the directory will be made on a regular basis to add more information about the brokers and inform on the regulatory status change of existing firms.

The ‘Check Your Broker’ directory was launched in April 2019. The main idea was to help traders to get the needed basic information about their broker, check their broker’s authorization status and find out whether they can use Financial Commission’s services and what companies are considered to be frauds.

The new updated directory has gotten more valuable information about non-member firms to help traders check the license and regulatory status of over 200 brokers. It also helps to find out company details regarding the products and services offered by each broker. Another useful addition is enabling the traders to leave feedback and share their trading experience on the broker’s profile page and find the contact details for each listed broker in the directory.

These major improvements are intended to help the trading public navigate the FX community and help them in choosing the right broker for them, find out about the regulatory and licensing status of their broker and also check and compare reviews and comments from other traders about their trading experience with a particular broker.

You may also use our website to check the broker’s licenses, reviews and trader’s comments. Check our list of the Regulated Brokers.

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